History in Photographs of California Gold RUsh


I’ve been taught ever since middle school that using .com domain for a history paper or project was unacceptable, and to this day, the usage of .com domain has been prohibited in every single history class that I have taken since middle school. The good reason being is that .com sites are open to pursue any interests whether it would be for shopping, business websites, and so forth. I was told to use .edu sites because the goal of a .edu site was for educational purposes, therefore, a .edu site was appreciated more than .com sites.

Analyzing the historichwy49.com, I have concluded that the website is unethical in regards to education. Although the website said it is based on history, it is not an ethical source to use in papers or projects. I feel that the website is using history to make a profit. The website contained information in regards to shopping, eating, and lodging, which does not seem that historic. How is it possible that one is learning history by ever going on this trip suggested by the website? They listed golf courses, wineries, shopping centers, and restaurants. There is no sense of “education” in this website, therefore, I believe it is unethical to contain the word “historic” anywhere in the website. I concluded that the site is unethical in regards to education because the purpose of the website is not to teach, but to advertise.

In regards to the legality, I feel that the existence of this website is conflicting with the website of the National Park Service. The National Park Service would make money from Americans as a government entity while a website like historichwy49.com can lead Americans away from the National Park Service. I would say that the National Park Service would be a legal entity to make money from tourism. In terms of legality of its existence, I think the website can stay in operation because it is for tourism purposes. I wouldn’t agree that it is a reliable website, but it does not harm anyone unless there are people foolish enough to like what they are seeing on the “historically-misleading tourism website”. I hope that people that are interested in traveling to the Lake Tahoe area do their research through more legitimate websites. They should all stay away from this one.

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